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Collection#12 - Halina Paulette Electric

Halina Paulette Electric
From Camerapedia

The Halina Paulette Electric was a viewfinder camera with an uncoupled selenium meter, made by Haking in Hong Kong, introduced in 1967. The meter scale on the top plate reads in EV numbers, which are transferred to an EV-number window on the lens barrel, linked to the aperture and speed rings. Film speed (25-400 ASA) is set by moving the sleeve with the EV window along a scale marked on the speed ring, below the meter window.

It was also sold by Dixons as the Prinz Mastermatic III, and as the Brenner Electric. The Halina Paulette was similar but without the meter.

The Halina Paulette was a 35mm viewfinder camera made in Hong Kong by Haking. It was introduced in c.1965, with a 45mm/f2.8 lens in a 4-speed (1/30-1/250) + B shutter.

Many Haking cameras were sold under other names; the Paulette was sold by Sears as the Model 65.

The Halina Paulette Electric is the same camera with an added light meter.

The Halina Paulette II is a later, 1973 version, similar to the Halina 2000.



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